If you are polite, genuine, law abiding and friendly, you will always be welcome to use our site and its services. In the interest of a pleasant and friendly environment and to protect our members and own interests, we have zero tolerance on the following:
- No below waist nudity in public areas of the Site.
Because by doing so you are subjecting others (including our moderation staff) to view indecent images without their consent. We do not allow pictures of genitals, This includes photo albums and profile photos.
All above waist nudity will get a 18+ adult only rating and can only be viewed by VIP GOLD Members.
- No Escort, Sugar Baby or Sugar Daddy verbiage.
Because Erotiquemates isn't an escort or sugar site, we don't allow any type of solicitations on this site and posting anything with that type of verbiage will get you banned from the site. - No ABDL imagery allowed, No diaper wearing or wearing children clothes, pacifiers or toys usually associated with children whatsoever.
Because We are not a ABDL site. - No pornographic poses/posts in any areas of the Site.
Because we're not a porn site. - No contact information, or placing links to KiK, Skype ETC. or any social network (only place this in the areas indicated on site no were else is allowed) on profiles, photos, links on any public posting such as timeline, comment or anywhere it posted not to.
Because it is Theft and unfair on our Feature members and you'll get banned from the site.
- No posting in profile that you can't view messages.
This is regarded as a attempt to bypass the site message system and is totally unnecessary to say in your profile, members already know if you can and cannot read messages by your member status doing so and you will receive a site violation after three violations you will be banned. - No copyrighted content, images or posts.
Because it is illegal and you will get sued! - Do not sent unsolicited pictures or videos,
Because if the person you sent an unsolicited picture or video finds it offensive and they report you, you may be banned from the site. - You must have the consent of anyone else in the images you post.
You must not post images of people who you do not have consent from to include in your posts or images. - No Spamming (whether it is your own website or belongs to someone else).
Because it is Theft and it is illegal and you'll get banned from the site. - No harassment or stalking.
Because it causes distress and harm and it is illegal and you'll get banned from the site. - No communication of any sort via profile wording or superimposed images.
Because it is stealing and unfair on our VIP Members who have subscribed to our service, posting you can't read messages or posting contact information in areas of the site where it's prohibited will result in a site violation and you'll get banned from the site. - No abusive behavior.
Some of us like a little bit of kinky fun and this sometimes includes certain role play that my be considered abusive by some if unsolicited. Never send an abusive message without permission from the person you are chatting to, if you are reported for doing so and if in our investigation this is confirmed you will be banned from the site. - No racist, sexist or an defamatory or hate language or insulting behavior.
Because it causes distress and harm and it is illegal and you'll get banned from the site. - No illegal activity of any sort.
Because we will not hesitate to inform the authorities and you'll get banned from the site. - No profiles used for any other purposes than serving as a bio.
Lowers the quality of our service, we want serious members. - No soliciting or selling a service or product.
This is a dating/relationship site not a classified ad or escort/companion/milkmaid site, any profiles like this or soliciting members in any way will get you banned. - You will not slander anyone on our site.
Because it causes distress and harm and can be illegal. - Profile photos must be recent and contain you.
It's your profile so it must be you and no celebrity photos or fake photos, you can use a avatar but it must be humanoid in appearance, but it cannot be a celebrity or any public figure living or dead, main profile picture cannot contain multiple people since they did not agree to use the site and are not site members, it should be you and you alone. - Profiles must not contain nonsensical information or words.
Because it wastes everyone's time and lowers the quality of our site and experience of our users.
We encourage you to report any inappropriate behavior to us (we will treat your report as anonymous) and also suggest you read a little about online safety. You can report anonymously by using the report link found on or near posts, profiles and images.
Disputes and Mediation
We will not become involved in any disputes between Members, nor do we provide any mediation or settlement services should a dispute arise. We provide blocking facilities on our site for this purpose.
Censorship and Moderation
We may in the interest of protecting our site and community, remove/censor posts or images at our discretion. We operate an automated censoring system to assist our moderators that automatically blocks/covers up certain words deemed offensive by our moderation department. We reserve the right to terminate or suspend any profile/account immediately for any reason and without warning, reason or notice.